WELCOME TO PEACE Lutheran Ministries

Peace Lutheran Ministries cultivates and nurtures faith to flourish in the peace of Christ

About Peace Lutheran Ministries

Peace Lutheran Ministries is a group of men, women and children united in faith and worship by the Word of God. We are committed to making disciples using the gospel to win the lost for Christ, and nurturing believers for Christian service, all to the glory of God. We do this not only through regular worship, education and programs at Peace Lutheran Church but also through Peace Lutheran School and Early Childhood Center. For more information about each area of ministry, please visit our church, school and early childhood center pages.

Upcoming Events

Soup Cook Off

Soup Cook Off (February 16, 2025)

20s & 30s – get out your cookbooks and sign up to be in the 4th annual Soup Cook-Off! Or, come and be a judge, while playing games and catching up.

Culver’s Share Night
February 12, 2025
Peace Seniors Lunch
February 14, 2025

What We believe

We believe the Bible is the true, inspired, and infallible word of God, preserved for generations; to teach all people about Jesus.

We believe that mankind is totally immersed in sin from conception, and therefore in desperate need for a Savior.

We believe that Jesus, who is true God, is our savior. He became incarnate as a man, to perform his saving work, by living a perfect life in our place, and dying as our substitute.

We believe that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ our Savior.

We believe faith is a free gift from God, which we can neither create nor generate on our own, rather it is a gift that is given to us in Word and Sacrament.

We believe all of these teachings are revealed to us in the Word of God.

Get In Touch With Us


Peace Lutheran Ministries
1007 Stonehaven Drive,
Sun Prairie, WI 53590

